This blog's focus is on Black Women, but sometimes it may be helpful to hear the perspective of a Black male. Black men are also concerned about the physical health of our people. So from now on, I will include the perspective of my friend at Black Fitness Blog (on relevant issues). He has written his perspective to my recent article "Does Size Matter?".
Here is the beginning of his article.
"In this day and age it is clear and absolute that we see images of sexy more now than ever before. My parents didn’t have an example of what fresh was besides the images on Soul Train. Now there are magazines, TV, Internet and all other kinds of media. In addition to the said media you have the fashion and image critics. We all know body image is connected to self- esteem. Women are rated/ranked on looks and desirability instead of personal achievement like their male counterparts. So would it make sense that somewhere down the line our sisters, who have been told what to do for years, might rebel? Rebel, by eating what they want and not subscribing to said images. When I think rebel…. I think of the comedian Mo`Nique........
Read the rest : Does size matter II: A male perspective
I occasionally read this guy blog, I will have to stop by his blog more often. Interesting article.
this post gets forwarded... interesting!
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