I wrote an article last year called "Buffie the Body: Healthy my ass" and ever since then people are directed to my blog because they are looking for the "buffie the body workout plan." I did not know such plan existed but apparently it does. I did a little googling a found that Buffie created a website called Bootynomics 101. On this site she has a few workout clips and a clip from Tyra. The site does not seem to be fully developed yet because it doesn't have that much information.
From what I gather the purpose of the site is teach women how to get flat stomachs and big bootys. She also has a note on the site that talks about how she had to start exercising recently because she has not been able to control her extra fat by keeping it in the right places. I look forward to seeing the further development of the website. As of yet she has not addressed any of the health concerns that are prevalent among black women. In my opinion women should be motivated to exercise and eat healthy because of their Health not only because they want to look Buffie the Body. However, for some women that is not the case. It is unfortunate because I think as a celebrity Buffie has the perfect opportunity to advocate for Health in our community. She could encourage women to be healthy, big butt or no butt.
My other concern about her site is that it seems quite unrealistic. It is hard to believe that by doing some squats and crunches women will get a Buffie booty. We all come in different shapes and sizes and I think we are better offer trying to tone up our own shapes.
I am really interested in knowing your thoughts. What do you think about the Buffie Work Out Plan?
I have always been kind of "bottom heavy". No matter how much my weight fluctuated over the years, most of it was always in my butt and thighs. Though I'm not sure that I would want to look like Buffie it would probably be more realistic for someone with my body type than for someone that is naturally straight up/down.
As far as her being a celebrity and in a position to teach the public about women's health.... I wouldn't consider her a reliable source of information about much of anything. Perhaps if I wanted to learn how to pole dance or something.... maybe that's just me though.
I agree with the first post, iv'e always been bigger behind and that's where most of my weight is gained too. Even at my thinest, but not all women are built the same. It's better to just be healthy.
I believe that it is no different than the workouts out there already. I feel that it is too much emphasis on the big "booty" and not on health. In her interview with Tyra, she personally decided to gain weight and to "grow" a booty because the other girls were getting more attention. This is a dysfunctional message to be sending our young girls. We have to keep in mind that we must love ourselves and not try to create a package to appeal to men. Men have different taste and their taste change like the weather. If we focus on health and just being the best we can be (a spiritual/self esteem aspect to the video would have been awesome) then maybe our men will start respecting us as beautiful black women who come in all shapes, sizes and personalities. We will become more to them than a BODY.
Everyone is speaking a great and positive message, but this is how she makes her money. If she was to lose her butt her career would probably go down the toilet.
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To be honest, I think this article touches on a subject I was just talking to my mom about the other day. Black women with smaller behinds feeling a bit inadequate. Tyra did an episode on it; I agree she isn't the most reliable for information but she definitely had a point. In that for a lot of Black women, the size of one's butt gravely affects her self-confidence and that plenty of them work out to increase their butt size. Or even work out and do not do exercises that will decrease the size (J Lo, granted she's Puerto Rican). I for one am only 18, and for most of my life I've been really skinny. But it wasn't 'til I joined the track team my junior year in high school when I began heavy training and even weight lifting. And along with all this training, my behind seriously grew. People began to say I have a "track booty". And even after I quit (I don't currently play any sports in college or anything), it's continued to grow and I seem to get nothing but compliments about it from guys and girls almost as though my body has "improved". I think this is a very interesting subject, perhaps it can be more so explored.
I agree with Jenessa. I have always had a small frame and everyone around me(I am from a predominately black community). I have always been teased for having a "white girl" booty. Yes, I know that health is very important, but I could find a workout that would only increase my butt size I would do it.
I agree with Jennifer. Depending on Buffie to be a reliable anything, especially an expert, is probably not the greatest idea. There are a number of workout videos that are clearly tailored to toning certain areas and lose the overall health message, including this one.
I play devil's advocate with this one because I think it's all relative. If you're a person that researches and has some general knowledge about health, then you can see through the sadness of this video. But my feeling is that this video may actually reach people who aren't accustomed to investing in their health or working out. So, I say, if this video helps some couch potatoes get up at least once a week, then so be it. You gotta start somewhere!
Nice post. I agree on what you have mentioned. I also want to share on ways to lose weight. This is the most reliable source and methods I have seen online. So this might help you.
I am actually interested in this.. For some this is a start to get them off the couch and doing something, working to achieve a greater goal in health, it's only the beginning. They would at least be able to move something, have some kind of energy not only that. The things that she is doing really is what a doctor would say to someone searching to gain weight. Eat more protein but still exercise. I see nothing wrong with it but everyone has their own personal opinion. Not everyone wants to look the same.
I am actually interested in this.. For some this is a start to get them off the couch and doing something, working to achieve a greater goal in health, it's only the beginning. They would at least be able to move something, have some kind of energy not only that. The things that she is doing really is what a doctor would say to someone searching to gain weight. Eat more protein but still exercise. I see nothing wrong with it but everyone has their own personal opinion. Not everyone wants to look the same.
Honestly.. we all know that most men are 1st attracted to a woman's body ... black men mostly booty. But whoever wrote this article kinda sound like a hater. I googled Buffie and seen a couple of her videos but I do recall her saying that she is not a nutritionist and all and she just did what worked for her. If u do ask a health/fitness professional, they will tell u dat having protien right after weights will help build muscle. This girl (Buffie) tells you all on 1 of her videos "I do eat". And she also mentions on her website dat she did research online as well. Dats wat people should do ... reseacrch. She wanted to have her body bootylicious so she workout with weights and calistheics, and some cardio to burn fat faster before doing crunches. So leave dat girl alone with her big butt self cus she had to work hard to get it and if a flat skinny girl can build up big legs and hips like dat den more power 2 her .... most skinny girls would agree if they can get a big ass they go club and shake som like "look at me now"!!! Lol
Honestly.. we all know that most men are 1st attracted to a woman's body ... black men mostly booty. But whoever wrote this article kinda sound like a hater. I googled Buffie and seen a couple of her videos but I do recall her saying that she is not a nutritionist and all and she just did what worked for her. If u do ask a health/fitness professional, they will tell u dat having protien right after weights will help build muscle. This girl (Buffie) tells you all on 1 of her videos "I do eat". And she also mentions on her website dat she did research online as well. Dats wat people should do ... reseacrh. She wanted to have her body bootylicious so she workout with weights and calistheics, and some cardio to burn fat faster before doing crunches. So leave dat girl alone with her big butt self cus she had to work hard to get it and if a flat skinny girl can build up big legs and hips like dat den more power 2 her .... most skinny girls would agree if they can get a big ass they go club and shake som like "look at me now"!!! Lol
im not ashamed to say that it was my search on how to get a buffie booty, that lead me to your site. I've recently started taking and interest in my health. Infact so recent that I haven't done anything besides go to the doctor yet. Which is a challenge for the Black community on its own. I DONT LIKE DOCTORS , so yeahhhhhh for me that I went. Knowing is half the battle. But back to the butt thing. One poster said they talked to their mom about it. lol I have too. She alsways said squats were the way to go. Needless to say that that was years ago, now im in my early twenties and still have what my extended family jokingly reffers to as 'Chineese ass'
Damn that hurts. Because as another poster said Black women are judged based on their butts (initially). Anyone who said differently is lieing! A nice high round firm booty is supposed to be in a Black woman's [DEFAULT SETTING] not having a nice ghetto booty (or I'd even settle for a cute apple bottom) has seriously given me a complex because I am constantly overlooked. Obviously im articulate and my mommy sais im georgeous *smile but I've been single forever. Its fitting that Buffie's site is all about "bootynomics" because here in toronto your booty can get you paid...and i dont mean exotic dancing. a nice booty can get you a job in an office or even preferential treatment in a service environment.
I just want a nice booty so i can hold my head up high like a peackock strutting my stuff! Im tired of being top heavey, esp. since boobies seem to be out of style.I need a solution...but pads are super played out and gel injections could kill me :(
thx for reading .
im not ashamed to say that it was my search on how to get a buffie booty, that lead me to your site. I've recently started taking and interest in my health. Infact so recent that I haven't done anything besides go to the doctor yet. Which is a challenge for the Black community on its own. I DONT LIKE DOCTORS , so yeahhhhhh for me that I went. Knowing is half the battle. But back to the butt thing. One poster said they talked to their mom about it. lol I have too. She alsways said squats were the way to go. Needless to say that that was years ago, now im in my early twenties and still have what my extended family jokingly reffers to as 'Chineese ass'
Damn that hurts. Because as another poster said Black women are judged based on their butts (initially). Anyone who said differently is lieing! A nice high round firm booty is supposed to be in a Black woman's [DEFAULT SETTING] not having a nice ghetto booty (or I'd even settle for a cute apple bottom) has seriously given me a complex because I am constantly overlooked. Obviously im articulate and my mommy sais im georgeous *smile but I've been single forever. Its fitting that Buffie's site is all about "bootynomics" because here in toronto your booty can get you paid...and i dont mean exotic dancing. a nice booty can get you a job in an office or even preferential treatment in a service environment.
I just want a nice booty so i can hold my head up high like a peackock strutting my stuff! Im tired of being top heavey, esp. since boobies seem to be out of style.I need a solution...but pads are super played out and gel injections could kill me :(
thx for reading .
My name is Stefanie and this is my first time visiting your site and posting. Good topic here - I agree with you point of view. Every black woman is not Buffie built. And that is OKAY!!!! It does not mean the Buffie type of body is the best. It's just the body that she has been given. Whatever our body shape is, the best thing to do is the make it/keep it as healthy as humanly possible. And I also agree that because she is in the 'spotlight', she should use that to promote good health and confidence among our women, not big booties and tiny waists.
I have a buffy curvy like body and I'm reasearching women with my body type (serena williams) and fitness routines. I'm studying nutrition with a specialization in obesity. I also work in the health industry.
I applaud Buffie and she is promoting health. Who cares if people do her workout video attempting to get her butt. Not everybody gets ripped in 90 days and looks like Tony Horton or flat bellies like the Zumba chicks. The first step is getting off the couch which probably keeps you from snacking while watching TV. That is health promotion and she is a reliable source if she gets someone moving. She doesn't need to talk about diseases. In fact, let's just explore and find activities that we like and healthy recipes/eating strategies. Constantly reciting statistics is not the sign of a competent health spokeswoman.
The media is misleading if weight is considered the only issue contributing to high mortality rates for some diseases in our community. Some confounding issues with regard to our higher mortality rates with breast cancer and other diseases is (1)inadequate access to healthcare (2) racial health disparities when we get there and lastly (3) Going for treatment too late.
Please find and read the essence article about BMI (written sometime in 2011). Black women have more lean muscle. We need to focus on reducing body fat composition and maintaing lean muscle rather than weight. (A doctor should be able to do a caliper test to give you an estimate). Lean muscle helps you when you're older. It's why my grandmother is still mobile and strong. We need to love ourselves at every point of the journey. We need better motivators than fear and gosh darnit if Buffie the Body motivates us to move...she's a good health promotion advocate in my book!
Have you checked out Buffie's site recently?! I think she heard your request. As a guy I find her ever growing knowledge and passion for working out refreshing. Of course I went there initially for one reason :) but soon learned she is serious about fitness. What you think..she even renamed to http://bodynomics.com .
well personally I think that a person is going to do what they want. its not up to Buffy to promote healthy living. People have seen her body and they like it and they want it. She is just telling them how she got it. I have been doing Buffy's workout for some time now and when I went on her website I went just to find out what I wanted to know. I just went somewhere else to figure out how I can be healthy. Its not up to her to tell you to eat healthy. We should already know that if we want the "Body" we have to keep it up with a healthy lifestyle.
I don't see anything wrong with what Buffie us doing. She DOES promote health and overall fitness (not just booty). Yes her ass is big but please tell me what is wrong with her focusing on booty...white women have been making videos like this for years (whether focusing on glutes, abs etc).
She's just focusing on one of her assets and states that she is not a professional (although she did recently pass a nationally recognized personal training certification). I am currently studying for the same exam and it's not easy.
I may never have her booty (nor is it my goal) or abs like Jacki Warner but it doesn't mean I can't learn from them. Everyone has their role in health and fitness. The "booty" is her platform. No big deal.
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