Last week I said I had a special announcement, here it goes.......
First I want to thank you for your support of Nubian Fitness Goddess. Blogging has been a great experience for me. I've learned alot from you all and I hope you find the information here valuable.
Thanks to the support from all you of you my Blog was selected to participate in Weight Watchers new Lose for Good campaign and fitness challenge. As a part of this challenge I will participating in Weight Watchers and blogging about my experience and weight loss. I will also be advertising for the Lose for Good Campaign on my blog.
Here's is the best part!
I will be awarding 2 free three month subscriptions to Weight Watchers to you guys. Look for details to come!
What is Lose For Good?
Lose for Good is a charitable effort that addresses two important epidemics: hunger and obesity, by empowering people to get healthier while also doing good for others in need.
For every pound that Weight Watchers members will lose during a six-week period, Weight Watchers will donate the cost of one pound of food -- up to $1 million dollars -- to two hunger fighting organizations.
The chosen organizations are Share Our Strength, the leading organization working to make sure no kid in America grows up hungry, and Action Against Hunger, an organization that helps feed people in troubled parts of the world.
Click here for more informationI think this is a wonderful cause I am glad to be apart of it! Please share your thoughts.
great post! All your posts are interesting and very informative. I wish you the best on the WW "lose for Good" program! Also, I have nominated you for the "I Love your Blog" award! Check my blog for more details.
Thanks Todoni, i'll look into it sounds like a great idea.
That is wonderful news! You are doing big things Miss FG!
Hey Boogie!! As usual you know I am proud of you and the SERVICE you are doing for the Sistah/girl community!!! Keep up the good work! Congrats
congrats! this is wonderful news. i need to get back on the bandwagon. i've completely fallen off and the bandwagon has left me in the dust. you're an inspiration!
Once again Thanks for the support!
I'll be announcing the details for the 2 Weight Watchers subscriptions later today.
Congrats lady. Glad to see he helping others in their quest to get healthy n fit. I know this blog probably takes a lot of time and I'm glad to see ur efforts being noticed.
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