So I realized today that I have maintained my weight loss (40 lbs) for almost a year now....
Just in case you are not familiar with my story I started working out hardcore February of 08 and lost most of the weight by August of 08. I went from a size 14 to a size 8. I achieved this by jogging. I started off jogging a few blocks and now I run 4-5 miles regularly. In the beginning I was working out about 6 days a week, now I do 5 days. I also cut down on fast food (except subway), fried foods, and sweets.
Anyway I wanted to share some of the strategies I used to maintain my weight loss.
1. Finding creative ways to exercise--Swimming, dance class, different exercise DVDs see my post Tired of the Gym
2. Drinking Green Tea all day--Green tea boosts your metabolism and it has worked wonders for me .
3. Continuing to work out at least 4 days a week. If you really want to maintain your weight loss you have to continue to be physically active, so find something you enjoy.
4. Using Calorieking.com to look up foods before eat (especially for restaurant food).
5. Weight Training- In the past 3 months I have not really lost any more weight. But I have managed to drop a size my weight training and toning.
6. The most important tip I have is try new things. You have to change up your routine (eating and exercise) otherwise your hard work is less effective. So use magazines to help you stay creative (Fitness, Shape, and Oxygen). I use this magazines to find new exercises to add to my routine. They also regularly have healthy eating tips (i.e. best 100 calorie ice cream)
My next step is to continue toning until I get my bikini body! I am going to change things up by signing up of the American Heart Association free 12-week online nutrition program. I am looking for two more women to sign up with me. You will receive the BetterU kit for more info click HERE. If you are looking to lose some weight or just get healthier this is great opportunity for you. Questions??? Please email me at nubianfitnessgoddess@gmail.com
What tips do you have for maintaining weight loss?
40 pounds is amazing. I know the weight has been off for a while, but congrats anyways!
sparkspeople.com is a great calorie couting website. also you can graph your progress, figure out a route as well as the total distance and miles/hr, and work out videos all on this one simple website. i was a size 10 and went down to size 7 just by using the calorie coutning. im sure if i exersized regulary (which im doing that now) i will go down to my desired size 6 again in couple months.
I've been meaning to tell you that I LOVE your blog! It's fantastic and such an invaluable source!! I've been up and down in weight for years and I just started back on my way down, so reading this is wonderful. Inspiration, inspiration, inspiration! And Congratulations on your weight loss, maintaining and your engagement!!
From WE CAN FLY, I've found Nubian Fitness Goddess . . . my path to wellness. I am back at that uncomfortable place again. My kind and caring friends say "girl you look good", but this girl knows she is at her max, and can go no further. Thank you for sharing some good tips to get back to the business of my health and wellness. I am also part of my Health Ministry at my church, and will include this in our web posting as well as my Health Awareness moment on Sunday. Thank you . . . I will keep you posted along my journey!
That would be great. I really appreciate you sharing the information. Please let us know about your progess!
I love your tips about green tea. Ever since you suggested it I drink lots more of it. Congrats on your new size. GO DIVA!!! I am alittle frustrated that my weight isn't dropping as fast but my body does feel better though alittle sore at times. I have changed my workouts because they were getting boring. I do 30 minutes on the cross ramper eliptical and 30 on the treadmill with a 6 incline. I also do weights. You say in your email that lifting weights took off some pounds too which is good to hear. I really want to tone. After 3 kids I even wonder if I can get those flat abs again. Either way I want to get them down as possible. I am now 153( started from 158) and want to get to 145 and I am 47 years old. I started in May.
My problem: I do not feel comfortable running especially on the treadmill. I know that running is the key to accelerated weight loss. Can you give me suggestions on how to start?
My tips is to drink less sugary drinks. I drink lots of water and I love fish so I eat alot of that too. I do have a cookie now and then if I really want it. I eat small portions and I snack on fruit and nuts. After working out I eat a small snack and lots of water. I also try to do 50 squats a day at home. I also do 75 sit ups on the ab machine at the gym.
I am on my way but its not easy especially because of my age. I would LOVE to wear a bikini but a sexy swimsuit with all the sides out will do on my vacation. I know I have to RUN for the results I want.
Nice article about weight loss. I really found your articles informative and beneficial.
I got there lots of helpful content and great information. Thanks a lot for your help.
I'm definitely going to try the green tea deal!
And I'm also going to try spinning! I think I need to change up my workout so that I can finally start shedding more pounds!
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