Ladies are you tired of the gym? Then take a break and do something fun.....
Your health is a lifetime commitment so you might as well find a way to enjoy eating healthy and exercising. There is no reason exercise should be a chore. Especially in the summer, there are tons of thing to do....I am currently on a quest to find a new physical activity that I can do in addition to my regular work out. Here are some things I came up with (some are local...chicago), hopefully you will find it helpful.
1. Bike Riding.---I'd rather ride than run any day. Try bike riding with ur honey or friends. Make an effort to do it a couple of times week.
2. Cardio Pole Dance Class--- Check out these inexpensive classes at the Discovery Center Chicago. 6 sessions for $89 If you don't live in Chicago; than look for similar classes at community centers in your city. The discovery center also has tons of other classess (African Dance, Burlesque, Hip Hop Dance)
3. Flirty Fun Girl Fitness---If you have extra cash to spare checkout Flirty Fun girl fitness they have a range of classes (Pole dancing and strip tease). They also have a DVD collection so you can practice at home.
3. Belly Dancing- Try a class or DVD this is a great way to tone your tummy
4. Rekindle your relationship with your favorite sport. The Chicago Sport and Social Club has several leagues you can join. Or look for a league at your local park district.
5. Walk or Run for a cause. Use this link to locate different races for great causes (races any many different cities).
Hopefully this will help you all find fun ways to tone up, slim down, or maintain this summer. Depending on your weight loss goals you should still get some weight training or more cardio in. My plan is to substitute two days in the gym with a fun a class, bike riding, or swimming.
Other fun ways to exercise?
Summer weightloss plans?
I live in Southern California so I've been going to the sand dunes lately to work out.
I also found a rock climbing gym not too far from my house so I'm thinking about going there regularly. I tried it once and its WAAAAAY harder than it looks. The makings of a great work out.
you blog!? how neat. will definitely add you to my google reader!
<3 Kristen
Zumba is a great alternative to regular gym classes. It is a latin dance cardio class. You'll dance to latin rythmns and learn to salsa as well as doing other latin dances. Find a class near you at! :)
I have found that working out is definitely a life time commitment, and not just a summer time/ bikini body fad.
I have always worked out casually or sporadically ever since i was in high school, but recently my dad (age 56) and best male friend (24) were diagnosed with diabetes.
It has really been a wake up call for me to really get serious about incorporating constant daily exercise in my life.
I have found little changes to help ease myself into the process.
For example, I live on the 15th floor of my building, and at least 3 times a week, i take the stairs instead of the elevator, after a few weeks my boyfriend noticed a toning in my calves and thighs.
I also like to to toe raises (flexing your calf muscles up and down) while talking on my cell phone.
These are a few subtle changes I made to become more conscious of my exercise habits, and to make sure i did something productive every day.
But to beat the gym boredom blues, I like to train for races like a 5k. My favorite races are those that are to promote awareness or a cause. A big event like a race is always a motivator for me to hit the road, even when i don't want to.
I love the sexy exercise classes!
They are so much fun.
It really sucks that my small honky donk town doesn't have any!
I may just go for the flirty girl video though.
I'm a person that loves to workout at home. My favorite workout DVD is Turbo Jam. Love it. Not quite a 'sexy' workout, but fun.
Oh, and Mel B...her tums, legs, and bums workout is a KILLER. Such an evil woman. lol
Almost everybody don't go to gym because of their schedule so alternatives like this are very important. According to there are other ways like a simple indoor exercise maybe considered and you may also try some safe pills too.
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