I came across this video on youtube this morning. Hopefully you will find it as inspiring as I did. This woman tell her sucess story of losing 80 LBS (amazing!!1) through strictly exercise and healthier eating. This story has remided me and motivated me to continue to strive to for a healthier/fit body. Right now my focus in on really changing my eating habits and eating to nourish my body (look for a post to come).
This video may be just what it takes to get (or keep) you all motivated. The most important message that is in the video is that she made lifestyle changes. That is the only way to be healthy for GOOD.
Watch and Enjoy!
If you are ready to CHANGE YOUR LIFE and start your weight loss journey check out the links below:
Share you success stories, struggles, thoughts on the video.....
I found this link really useful. I appreciated the info on skin resuming its elasticity after weight loss with weight training at the same time. My goal is to lose at least 50 pounds in the next year. I am following Kay Shepard's food plan: weighed and measured meals, 3 meals a day and a snack at night, no wheat, flour and sugar. Already I feel my awareness of true hunger returning after months (okay years) of emotional grazing without end. I have been riding my 10 speed bike, connecting with my inner 11 year old--I'm in my late 50s. I am working towards doing the biking for 21 days straight to form a habit. Early morning rides work best for me. Like the young lady on the video, if I don't do it early, my workout doesn't happen.
Thanks so much for the inspiration of your website!
That Youtuber is one of my favs. She has a lot of other great vids worth checking out.
I was truly inspired, upon finding her channel last year ... amazing spirit and a tremendous success! She keeps it real too! Glad to see black women, break down the myths that we "can't" lose weight!
I have tried another way to lose
weight. I tried adipex and it is
really effective. i have lost lots
of weight. I ordered it online from
www.medsheaven.com I highly
recommend this, and this didn't
require a prescription! ST
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