The Fitness goddess and about 7 women are participating in the American Heart Association 12 week challenge. In order to keep stay motivated and complete the challenge I came up with a suggestion that I want to share with you all. It involves making small changes as recommended by AHA to make major life improvements. Please view the info below.
Make at list of 10 things in your life that are preventing you from the healthy body that you want/deserve. List 10 things you have control over. List them in order from easiest to hardest. Then each week for the next 10 weeks you will remove/add one of the those things to your life. The important thing is that you choose things that you can stick to FOR LIFE. Do not choose something that is outrageous for your lifestyle (i.e. never eating bread). Again, please avoid extreme choices, or choices you have no control over. If you are still participating in the challenge please send me your list of 10. Also, remember they do not have to be major changes (the smaller the better). Choose things like increasing exercise and cutting back on the wrong foods. Please be detailed in your changes. The more detailed your changes are, the more likely it is you will stick to it.
Here is my Fitness List:
Week 1
Eat at least one serving of fruits and veggies a day (you should do more, but this is a challenge for me)
Week 2
Removing non-baked chips from diet (I will only eat them occasionally)
Week 3.
Spend at least 5 minutes stretching in the morning (at least 5 days a week)
Week 4.
Avoid eating more than one meal that comes in package (lean cuisine) anything frozen with high sodium per day.
Week 5
Eating two servings of fruits and vegetables per day .
Week 6.
Start my day with protein and fiber (hardboiled eggs and protein)
Week 7
Weight lifting 4 times a week (right now I do 3 days per week)
Week 8
Not eating past 8 p.m. (during the week, or nothing more than a 100 calorie snack)
Week 9
Swapping cocktails for glasses of wine (cocktails occasionally, once a month)
Week 10
Do yoga at least once a week (i don't really like yoga, but there are so many benefits, so this is my challenge0
Remember : Be creative and be detailed!
Don't forget I am making these changes in addition to continuing the exercise plan I have (5 days/wk of exercise) and other changes I made in the past (adding green tea, cutting fried foods, sugar free pudding from my sweet craving, drinking water all day. replace juice with fresh fruit, etc....
Will you be participating?
Share you list!
Other suggestions?