Nowadays, it's very hard to find a celebrity who's a healthy lifestyle role model. By that I mean someone who loses weight the healthy, realistic way aka no plastic surgery, no starvation, no elimination of important nutrients, etc.
I see tons of TV shows and magazines pointing out celebrities who just don't fit the norm, who set unrealistic expectations, and for that matter, very few women of color.
I struggled to come up with my own list of someone who seems ideal to follow. But then it hit me, Michelle Obama! Her toned arms have been the talk of the town and she fits the mold of a healthy, strong woman who doesn't go to extreme's to keep her shape. I once had the same toned arms as her and I look forward to getting them back!
So help me out here, who is your fitness role model? No wrong answer! We want to know who's picture motivates you to hit the gym!
Mary J. Blige comes to mind. It seems about 10 years ago she began working out and toning and she seems to have committed to a fit lifestyle permanently without noticeable setbacks or yo-yo dieting. I perceive her as a prolific artist who puts fitness first.
Jennifer Hudson and Serena Williams
Yeah, it is very important to get a fitness role model as your inspiration if you feel down and want to give up in your fitness plan. They could be your big motivator sometimes.
My fitness inspiration is Misty Copeland. This my first time posting here, but I've been trying to find blogs of women working to be their healthiest. I hope that you don't mind that I posted your link on my blog. :)
I love Michelle Obama's arms and I love Dawn Richardson-Joyner's body. There are others, but these two women were the first that came to my mind.
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