Rosethefitnessinstructor pointed out how important it is to have Fitness role model that keeps you inspired. So I wanted to share mine with you.
I was listening to Biggest Loser Competitor Stacy Capers on the radio this morning. She was featured because she is an African-American woman from the D.C. area who has used her experience to benefit her community. Stacy and her husband Adam were the first team to be kicked off during their season. Despite being eliminated they persevered and lost the weight anyway! They have an amazing story to tell. What's even more amazing is that they saw this an opportunity to help others. Stacy has partnered with associations like the America Diabetes Association to spread her message to Black folks. She commented on the some of the barriers to health that are specific to our peoples. Thesde issues include THE HAIR ISSUE and high calorie/high sodium foods.
Listening to her re-inspired me and made me re-think my goals. I will continue to devote myself to motivating Women to make lifestyle changes so that they can live healthier and active lives.
Rose the fitness instructor and I have big plans for Nubian Fitness Goddess. Also, I hope to use the publicity from my feature in People Magazine to draw attention to African American Women Health Issues.
Stay inspired Ladies! You can have results like Stacy too! Rose & I will provide with you the tools to keep you on track.
LOVE your blog.
would you mind if i linked your blog on my blog's link page?
let me know!
You have a link to her interview?
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