This choice is made on daily basis in our community because there are several locations where KFC and Popeyes are right next to each other ( don't believe me, check out the southside of chicago). If you don't want fried chicken you have several other local fast food options around. Want to eat something healthy? Looking for a Trader Joes, Whole Foods, Panera, Jamba Juice, a Sushi Spot? You won't find one in most areas that are heavily populated by Blacks.
So, how exactly are we supposed to eat healthy? In most cases, you have to drive 15 minutes to find food that is slightly healthy. You really don't have much of chance at eating healthy unless you have the 4.50/gallon to drive somewhere and get some "healthy food" or prepare all your own meals.
It really seems like our people are set up for failure. Even if healthy food was a little more accessible we still have the problem of the ridiculous cost.......(next post)
Well, I just had to get this off my chest. I'll probably add more to this post.
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I can only speak from my experience in Chicago neighborhoods. So please share your experiences!!
Very, very true. In most black/latino communities, you will find in no particular order: a KFC, Popeye's, McDonald's, Burger King, some soulfood/caribbean restaurant, several commercial pizza places, or a buffet. Conversely, when I drive to an upper class neighborhood, I see several health food chains (Vitamin World, GNC), a Whole Foods market, a real deli (not Subway), and mainstream grocery stores stocked with a different ratio of snack/healthy food. If that weren't bad enough, in those same neighborhoods, you see a gyms/spas on every other corner, and many advertisements encouraging fitness.
Part of the problem is that corporations keep track of consumer behavior and build according to what we buy. Unfortunately, many of us buy food from the very places we condemn for giving us heart disease and diabetes. Nothing short of a total systemic overhaul on the most basic level will help.
Thanks for writing about this topic. A lot of women of color lack the cultural background and social experiences to appreciate what exercise and fitness can do for us. I used to work at a gym, and had a coworker who never worked out. It was crazy. I would work out before my shift, shower and then come up front to work, the guys would work out after work. When we would ask this woman if she wanted to work out with us- either before or after work- she would ALWAYS say "no" It was a racially mixed environment and she was a black woman, so we could not figure out her deal...
I'm not from Chicago, although it's my favorite place to visit.You guys do have a lot of Popeyes. I'm from Detroit and it's the same thing here. I actually just went out to get some McDonalds. I had a kick for extremely fattening food and pop LOL. You will never see a Panera Bread or something like that in Detroit. The closest to healthy here is Subway and that's about it.
Most times the minute you decide to go for fast food you are choosing to eat something that is bad for you. Most nutritionists recommend that you avoid fast food period. When it comes to KFC when you think about how their chickens are housed prior to their death that is reason enough to boycott them, never mind the fact that they way these mutant freak chickens are cooked will stop your heart from beating.
You are so right. I have to go out of my way in poorer American Latino/Black neighborhoods to find decent food. I believe that they do know better but the food consumed is usually the closest, cheapest, most convenient and what is eaten by their peers(You wouldn't believe the crap I got for eating a salad at Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles/simply eating healthy). I think the change could come from education(without the condescension), encouragement in the community to eat better, cheaper healthy food, living by example and simple letting them find their way in the end. I think changing someone's diet is one of the hardest thing to do. Margaret Mead was right when she said "It is easier to change a man’s religion than to change his diet."
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