Our Hair has been quite the hot topic lately. Hopefully you read my recent post on "Black Hair."
Well, Chris Rock has decided to make a movie about Black Hair called "Good Hair." One of my sorority sisters sent me the link this morning. Apparently, Chris Rock was motivated to do the documentary/comedy after one of his daughters asked him why she did not have "good hair." The documentary will touch on the history of our hair and hopefully explore why little girls are struggling with the "good hair issue." I think it is great that this issue is being addressed in this comedic/educational format. I am currently struggling with the issue of transitioning to natural hair myself. My mother and two sisters have both transitioned and I am the only one hanging on to my relaxer. I know that I will make the transition eventually, I recognize the harm that relaxers cause. Why would I want a chemical that can burn through an aluminium can (check the trailer) on my head? Or a chemical that is unsafe during pregnancy? And who wants go through "torture sessions" ( check the video---ICE T) for the rest of their life?
I wonder if the document will touch on our hair and health. I hope it does. Anyway, I just wanted to quickly share the trailer with you all. Click here to view it!
Oh and here are some pics that reflect my experience with the "good hair" issue. I begged my mom for a relaxer forever because I like many young girls thought that straight hair was prettier. The first pic is my length at with first relaxer and the other pic is my hair present. Now the present pic is my cut that was the result of damaged hair. (You all should feel lucky cause i'm sharing childhood pics with ya!)

Share your stories of how "Good Hair' influenced you as a child.....
What are you thoughts on the documentary?
Thoughts on the conditioning of black women to want "Good Hair"
Let's Discuss!
Frankly, I'm very interested in seeing this movie after watching the trailer. At first I was hesitant because Chris Rock doesn't have the best spots for black women in his comedy lineups but the trailer showed him in a different light and I'm interested to see the reactions it'll cause in our community. I am planning on writing and developing my own ideas about this in my own blog but kudos to your blog *i love it*!
Keep it comin' and whenever you decide to make that transition, you've got an ENTIRE online community waiting to support you and keep you motivated. So no stress, but when you do it, be sure to let us all know, y'hear?
Thanks for the support! I look forward to reading your post/perspective on "Good Hair"
I heard about the "creamy crack" comment that I predict everyone will be using soon. Honestly, my hair has been the healthiest with the "right" relaxer for my hair type. Using the "wrong" relaxer for a year or two jacked me up. Looking forward to watching how well the film does.
Great post. We've been using the "creamy crack" phrase for years in the natural hair board and forums, but ur prolly right about the phrase catching on after this film.
I remember as a child I couldn't wait till I was in grade five because then I could relax my curly hair! lol... that privilage wrecked my hair! I used a straightner on my beautiful curls till I was probably 20 years old. I finally stopped and let my curls grow...when I wanted to relax them, I would use a hair dryer and brush... and then finally I stopped using everything and now only use products that bring out the natural curl in my hair..what a relief! and to think I thought I didn't have good hair... women constantly tell me how much they love my hair ~ its funky and soft and beautiful... I have many sisters and we all have different textures and thickness of curly hair.. I love and envy all of them... I like my hair and wouldn't change it for nuttin!
I think Chris Rock is great and I am sure that he will deal with the hair issue in an informative but fun way.
Good hair is such a terrible term. I recently cut all my relaxed hair off so I have a short curly style going. I felt sooo liberating. I'm not gonna lie, I'm so happy I did it and I've received a ridiculous amount of compliments on it from guys and girls alike.
It's unfortunate that good hair is a term still in use, it's just another way for people to attempt to establish some sort of superiority over one another. I will admit, I have used it before but I definitely have stopped. Because hair, just like our people, derives from all sorts of different mixtures of backgrounds that make up unique colors, textures, or lengths.
I'm just elated that this topic is becoming so popular, so that maybe we can catch these really young generations and break the cycle. So that they don't grow up ashamed of themselves and their heritage.
I've seen a few trailers as well and can't wait to catch the movie.
I also begged and begged to relax my hair and regretted it much earlier on because my hair is very thin, no matter what i do to it! i tried a few times to go natural over the years but didn't educate myself on how to manage my natural hair so I quickly gave up. I'm trying again though, with much education so it should go well this time. When/if you do decide to make the transition, you won't regret it. There's too many of us naturals in the blogosphere to support you!
Hello, My name is Dani. And I am currently training to become a Stylist at Kuttin Ege' Salon. I am looking for models to perform my services on. As of right now, the services I can provide are shampoo blowdry and straightening on relaxed or natural hair. As well as shampoo and mold for short hair. Later in my course I will be able to give relaxers and color. So those that are looking for that as well may send an email providing your name, number, and the service.
This will be conducted only on Tuesday's at 11:00. All you have to do is pay for your own transportation. The salon is located Downtown at 332 s. Michigan on the corner of Van Buren.
You may check out our Website at WWW. KUTTINEGE.COM You may also reach me at 312.922.3560 ask for Dani.
Hello, My name is Dani. And I am currently training to become a Stylist at Kuttin Ege' Salon. I am looking for models to perform my services on. As of right now, the services I can provide are shampoo blowdry and straightening on relaxed or natural hair. As well as shampoo and mold for short hair. Later in my course I will be able to give relaxers and color. So those that are looking for that as well may send an email providing your name, number, and the service.
This will be conducted only on Tuesday's at 11:00. All you have to do is pay for your own transportation. The salon is located Downtown at 332 s. Michigan on the corner of Van Buren.
You may check out our Website at WWW. KUTTINEGE.COM You may also reach me at 312.922.3560 ask for Dani.
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