"I'm just thick"
"I'm bootylicious"
The labels go on and on for black women who don't consider themselves overweight but women who are genetically blessed with curves and don't fit the toothpick frame we usually see praised and admired in the media.
I recently read an article in Women's Health magazine entitled: "Can You Be Healthy At Any Size?" This caught my attention becuase I truly believe that in our culture, we celebrate thick-bootlyicious body frames instead of healthy lifetyles. In fact, according to the Office of Minority Health, African American women have the highest rates of being overweight or obese compared to other groups in the U.S. And did you know that about four out of five African American women are overweight or obese? We have the highest obesity rates compared to women of different color. We need to take a step back and examine why!
But there is another side to this debate. The government and medical community determine who is overweight by the BMI measurement. I don't personally likee the BMI measurement as a gold standard for determining if your obese or not. I know for a fact that I do not look like the number I weigh. Not every woman can fit the set standards, because no woman is average. Did you know that being heavier helps fend of osteopoprosis and people who fit the "overweight" set for BMI have a lower risk of mortality?
So maybe it really is good to be thin and bootylicious besides filling out those cute outfits!
The debate goes on and on, and I encourage you to read the Women's Health article for more information. (Side note/complaint: I love this magazine, but I find it funny that in this "fat acceptance" article, they actually include pictures of black women: Jennifer Hudson, Beyonce, and Mo'Nique. I like to see these ladies in the magazine more, have a better representative of what our society truly is--multicultural! Just saying...but I guess that's why we need a blog like Nubian Fitness Goddess to fill the void!)
For those that what to get to the point, here are the numbers that everyone should monitor, according to Women's Health magazine:
-Blood Pressure: Healthy range is 90/60 yo 120/80 (systolic/diastolic)
-Resting Heart Rate: Healthy range is60 to 100 beates per minute
-Cholesterol: Healthy range is LD below 100, HDL above 50, VLDL under 40, triplycerides below 150
-Fasting Blood Glucose: Healthy range is 70 to 100
-Waist-to-hip ratio: Healthy range is .6 to .8
So tell us, do you agree that "everyone can't be a size zero, but can be healthy, big people" or do you think it important to focus on the BMI measurement? Can one be "thick" and healthy?
I agree with you that with America's self esteem and confidence building movement, we've crossed the line between being happy with ourselves and accepting being unhealthy. I blogged on this topic as well. My feelings are you can be thin, fit, & healthy and still possess curves. You don't need to be overweight to have the beloved luscious figure many of us (as black women) desire.
Oh...and I read that article as well!
It's interesting that you wrote about this.. I've been seeing a lot of stuff on the internet about Jennifer Hudson's new weight loss and deal with Weight Watchers. I was kinda shocked to see her slim down so much, I've always thought she was beautiful even at her biggest. She's just a curvy woman, but I'm interested to hear some more about her health and I'm hoping she does some interviews discussing the before and after of her health and not just her body. We'll see
I have always thought curves were genetic so I never understood why being curvaceous is considered synonymous with being fat.
Take Serena Williams for example. The woman hardly has any body fat yet she is as curvaceous as they come.
Let’s not forget J-Lo who, as thin as she was her booty still managed to create an identity of its own when they both hit the big times.
You either have the curves or you don't. So there is really no point in “fattening” oneself up and risking your health. On the other hand, skinny doesn’t always translate to healthy.
Health is not about looks; it is about eliminating garbage from your diet, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep.
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I am quite concerned as well about the high rate of obesity within our culture. I do not think it is healthy to be overweight regardless to how curvy or good it looks.
I agree with PhluffyPrincess that you can be thin and curvy.
Thanks for sharing the article.
Healthy Means Not at physical level but mental level also and when you get both level at that time the thought of dress will never come to your mind.
Thanks a lot for this great information.
Smith ALan
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