A few weeks ago I was watching the news and they were interviewing locals to see how the recession (or economic slowdown according to bush) was affecting people. One white woman commented "well, it's becoming a little more difficult to get all our groceries from Whole Foods." I thought, it must be really distressing not to be able to purchase your $10 organic orange juice (I'm not over exaggerating, it exists ).
I thought about this white woman and her struggles (no $10 orange juice) last night as I watching CNN's Black in America. They showed how a black woman living in Harlem could not get access to fresh veggies. She would have an hour commute just to get a fresh tomato. Even I was amazed at what the woman how to go through to get fresh food in NYC (i always thought about NYC has having easy access to everything) . It was interesting to see the how the white woman felt she was struggling by not purchasing her Whole Foods and a black woman can barely access fresh food from a regular grocery store. CNN did not even get into how the recession was affecting the woman in Harlem. What CNN showed was a small percentage of the struggles that blacks endure related to health. They didn't bother to touch the financial burden of keeping fresh fruits and veggies at home, lack of access to gyms, lack of knowledge about nutritions, lack of resources, etc.
Okay that's all I have to say about the health part.
Overall I was frustrated by watching Black in America. I kept thinking what is the point? Is this going to provide white people with a better understanding of what it means to be Black in America? I don't think so, the information was presented as if everything is black and white. Either you are a successful black person or you are living in complete poverty. They make it seem as if there is no gray area. That was the most frustrating thing to me.
What are your thoughts about CNN's Black in America?
You too? A couple of bloggers are very dissatisfied with that CNN doc.
You know, I don't know if I can even be upset. I'm never satisfied with the coverage that our community gets from the MSM. I'd rather they just ignore us.
So that poor White woman can't shop at Whole Paycheck? As if it was ever affordable.
I was in Pathmark (non-organic supermarket) and an elderly customer was complaining about the rising prices of food. I told her, "Yeah, I know. Everything's going up but our income." She said "Isn't that just sad?" Yes it is.
Yeah. I thought that the documentary was interesting, but not necessarily in a good way.
The analysis was superficial, at best. I mean, they spent 10 minutes on HIV-AIDs, so you know they weren't going be spending time on eating healthy.
But what about Fry's salt theory? That was a mess.
Honestly, I was extremely dissatisfied at the way many issues were glossed over. If they truly wanted to give a more accurate view (which you truly cannot do on television), they should have taken an issue and AT LEAST devoted 30 minutes over a six to eight part series. I didn't even watch the second show after watching the first - it was more a look into black america to enlight other skinned people than it was a dialogue between blacks about the issues.
wow where do we start? who was this show designed for? and why unlike the other specials which i enjoyed this left to many open holes. are we that simple that 2 2hr segments can answer our plight and explain our anger. between the theories and suggestions was there anything new that was learned? not by me...was it to show how diverse as a group we are? didnt surprise me. so why a documentary or special? no action points and no direction. there are still hidden issues we can talk about but cnn couldnt get that deep and get any message across the tv what a shame
This is in response to the New York fresh produce comment. That is completely accurate. I have been living in NY since last October and I have never lived in a place where not only are the prices sky high for fruits and vegetables but they are of the poorest quality.
Tell me why I purchased green beans on a Sunday and they were already rotting by that Monday.
Although it was my dream to move to NY, I think I will only be here for another year or so.
With all due respect to Soledad and the previous commentors but not only was that documentary horrible, but that segment about the produce in nyc is completely innacurate. I was born in NYC and lived there for 30 years. NYC has had a dramatic infux of folks from all over the country and world and has record gentrification. These folks would not be moving here from the suburbs if they could not find good organic veggies that are afforable. There are so many neigborhood vegetable stores in NY its mind numbing. Harlem of all places with the new Fairway Supermarket (which stocks organic produce) that offers Store to Door Delivery available from 11AM to 8PM. PUH-LEEEZ. You used to work two jobs to get out of Harlem, now you gotta work two jobs just to get in! There are lierally dozens of farmers markets in new york. 14th street union square is the one I'd frequent. On my way home I'd purchase fresh fish and organic collards, some fresh flowers for my wife. C'mon; in atlanta where we live now, we have to drive to get anywhere. In NY at least you can take to subway. The woman in the CNN special said she had to take a cab to the grocery. Well, welcome to NY. Cabs line up at the grocery stories in NY, becasue they know folks ain't got whips. Its just how we do it in NY. we take the train. So, firmy disagree with any categorization of new york no having great veggie, thats nonesense. and as far as that documentary was concerned it was chock full of instances like that. I have three major issues with it; 1. it offered no framework or introduction to the issues; 2. it presented no new information or data; 3. it offered no epilouge or conclusion to the issues presented. it was horrible. They showed the extremes of black america. Dr. Dyson OR his brother in Prison. The hypothetical top of the food chain and the bottom. When in acutallity thats all thats portrayed of us in the media. what baout the cats like me and you. just the regualr folks. People are more likely to run into me or you while shopping for organic vegetables then Dr. Dyson or his brother. Yet and still when they meet me they think either, he's a criminal of the worst kind OR he's some incredible gifted exception to the rule. Whatever! And Kitty, if you need some help finding great groceris in New York, holla at me. Peace!
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