It's been a while!!
A lot has happened since my last post. I am now a married woman! Also, the hubby and I moved into our new house. I also completed the People Magazine Wedding Weight Loss Challenge. I'll let you guys know when to expect the final article.
In the spirit of new beginnings, I am going to challenge myself to commit to
Eating Clean. No more chemicals, high fructose corn syrup, and ingredients I cannot pronounce. It's all about Whole Grains, Real Meat (NO processed stuff), and tons of fruits and veggies. This is the best way to start a healthy lifestyle and to lose weight! If you want more info check out this site
Eat Clean. I also recommend picking up the Clean Eating Magazine it has a ton of great recipes.
Now this is going to be challenging because I can't quite get my kitchen in complete order (We are doing renovations), so I will have to be creative at times. I am creating a list of Clean Eating staples that I will purchase this week. Look for the post soon, but for now check out my meal plan for tomorrow.
Below is my meal plan for tomorrow. It's a little bland but that's because I can't cook yet (we haven't unpacked and our kitchen is being renovated). All of my meals are quick and easy.
Clean Eating Meal Plan:
1/2 cup Oatmeal w/ .5 tbsp Peanut Butter
Applesauce (unsweetened)
1 hardboiled egg
100 calorie bag of Almonds & Small Apple
Chicken Breast (I haven't unpacked yet, so I bought a roasted chicken from the grocery store)
Salad (via salad bar at school)
2 Wasa Crisp Crackers (Whole grain, high fiber, and delicious!)
Kashi Granola Bar (this and Larabars are my always convenient snacks)
1/2 cup Brown Rice
1 Turkey Burger w/Salsa (no bread)
Asparagus Spears
Grapes and Plain Yogurt
Also, I'm looking to start a Woman's Jogging/Running group in NE D.C. Email me at hypothesis1913@gmail.com. If you are interested.
How do you Eat Clean on the Go???