Luckily, I have found the time to stay on track with my exercise,here's my routine:
*I run 3 x week, 4.5-5 miles outside if it's not snowing ( or 2-3 miles on the treadmill)
*I do 3 days on the elliptical. I do High Intensity Interval Training (click for more info)
*I alternate with weight lifting
*For upper body: I lift 15 lb dumbells, do the lat pull, shoulder press, push upsetc.
*Lower body : lunges, squats, leg press, knee curls
A new year is approaching and it's time to set new fitness goals. My hope is to reach my goal weight (150) by my birthday which is March 23rd. I am about 15 lbs away so it seems feasible but losing these last few pounds has been quite the struggle. It's like I'm fighting body to get rid of these last few layers of fat. Also, because I'm nearing my goal I'm adding alot more weights so that my body can be toned the way I want it to be.
Also, I wanted to show you all that persistence pays off, I've lost almost 40lbs since last march. Check out the pics.
this was taken last February (i had already lost about 10 lbs....)

these pics were taken 2mths ago, I've lost about 7-8 more pounds since then
Enough about me, What are you're current fitness goals??
What are the challenges you're currently facing?
Look for more articles to come!!!
you looking good keep it up i was wondering if that was you stretching in the corner
Hey Girl!
Congrats on your weight-loss. You have motivated me to do something for myself and get in shape. I am still trying to find a great gym to work-out at, until then I've just been working out at home doing crunches and a little jogging. I've been eating healthier and drinking water. (This was a major feat for me!) Since then, I've started to notice that I'm not as hungry as I thought I was and realized that I used to eat out of habit and not out of hunger. I've also noticed improvements with my skin. Keep up the great work and continue to be a blessing to many women everywhere! Take Care! Mike that's not me
Brittany, Keep up the good work!! Keep us posted on ur success.
You've done a great job with your loss and you've done it in a sensible way. I think when you make reasonable changes it is so much easier to keep it up for life. Congrats!
I'm struggling to drop a few pounds before the new year and to continue on to my final goal in the new year. I probably have about 15 pounds to lose to reach my body fat goal.
I am gearing up to take swimming lessons in January with the goal of completing my first triathlon in June. I plan to do another half marathon in March too. So much to do, so little time!
Dang girl I can't believe you lost that much weight so fast, you lookin' good! i was you size and got doen to a size 14, and when I did I started lookin' for some really cool workout gear to make me feel and look better! I found some camo workout gear camo workout gear and it look great, and has plenty of pockets for like, water and your keys and stuff. Congratulations girl!
Its a miracle that i came across this blog!! Hey nubian fitness Goddness.. Currently i am a junior in college and i really need help getting in to shape. i am 50lbs overweight and i HATE IT. The cafeteria food sucks!! and im constantly hungry. i want to get healthy and fit. what advice do you have for a broke college student?
You look great. I'll be starting in a week. I'm not thinking about weight, but inches off my waist, hips, etc.
I'm pretty excited and my goal is a size 10 by April. I am currently a size 14.
Thanks for the Luv guys!
Liz I'm going to do some brainstorming and come up with some suggestions for you. It would help if you send me your email (mine is so I can ask you a few more questions about your eating and exercise habits.
Girl you're doing good. Right after Thanskgiving my routine went right out the window. I need to get back on track
You look great! Keep it up girl.
Fitness Goddess,
I'm back!!! After falling off of the wagon. I am back. I look forward to a New Year and New Weight Loss.
You look great! Keep going girl!
Wow! Congrats on your weight loss. I need to stop procrastinating and worrying about my hair and start hitting the gym again.
congrat on ur weight lost. I also lost 35 pounds in the last months. Luv ur blog. very informative. I just created mine, please feel free to visit.
i miss your posts. i hope all is well. . .
I do intend to get back to posting new articles. I have had a rough 3 mths or so. Good news though, I have 3 interviews so far for my PhD programs in Clinical Psychology.
Oh, BTW I am keeping up with my workout regiment.....5-6 days at 1 hour.
In the mean time if anyone on wants to contribute and article I would love to post it. Just send it to
You look great! Thank you for the inspiring post! I just found your blog and LOVE it! I have been trying to lost 30 pounds for about 6 years and really want to make that change this year. This blog will definitely be an inspiration along my journey. You have yourself a new follower!
Hello, you look great. I am so
happy for you and your weight
You have a beautiful, wonderful
blog. Oh, I just wanted to let you know about Taebo. That's how I lost 26 pounds and 5 inches off my stomach.
You have a really wonderful fitness routine, but I would be glad to add some more tips just to make it easier on you.
My blog talks about how i lost weight doing taebo
Hey there.. congrats on your weightloss and your continued committment..
I have recently moved jobs and in all the settling into the new city, I have packed on the kilos.
And spurred on by a recent break-up, I have decided to take a little more care of myself, my mind, spirit and body.
I am not an exercise fan so I find getting up in the morning a huge challenge - I am glad to find this site so that I can gain additional support from all of your successes and challenges..
Take care!
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