I am excited to post this article written by mother. She has decided to contribute to Nubian Fitness Goddess regularly. So there will be more articles to come. I also would like to apologize for not posting as regularly, I've been swamped with school, work, doctoral applications, etc. But I have still maintained my workout regime. I hope you all are still getting in your exercise as well.
Now for the post, ENJOY!
Cooking is not a Cuss Word!!!
Black women have this mentality that they carry heavier loads compared to their ancestors. I don’t know how this “ism” got started in the Black community. They seem to believe they are too busy to cook or to good to cook. They believe they work hard so they don’t have to cook. Many Black women over schedule their lives. Cooking is the first thing they take off their overcrowded plates. Eating out or on the run is the norm. Tell me how many black women out their had mothers, grandmothers, or great-grandmothers who did not work. Let’s take a poll.
My mother Eva Temple Wilburn was a cosmetologist. Early in her career she worked in White salons on the Northside of Chicago. She worked twelve hour days plus the time it took her to commute to work. She had my grandmother Jones move in and take care of us. My grandmother would cook during the week and my mother cooked on her days off. We would only dine out at fine restaurants for special occasions and fast food was a rare treat.
My Grandmother Willetta Temple who will be 99 years old on November 19th this year was a maid on the Northside for White folks as she would say. She would rise early in the morning to take public transportation. She would cook and clean for someone’s else family then come home and do again for her family. My father worked double shifts at the Western Electric factory in Hawthorne. She would prepare breakfast in the morning and pack lunches before leaving home for work. She would work all day. Then come home and prepare dinner. She learned her skills at the Stillman Institute. My grandmother attended classes in home economics where she was taught proper nutrition, cooking, cleaning, and running a household. During the late 1920’s in Tuscaloosa, AL the highest education that was available for my grandmother to attain was a 6th & 7th grade education. She was 19 years old in 7th grade at Stillman Institute training to be a maid. This is the same Stillman College which today is a Historical Black College. I believe that this nutrition education has blessed her with a healthy body and a long life.
She has taught me how to read a grocery store sales paper, budget, plan, shop, and cook healthy meals. This knowledge combined with my international background of living and cooking in France, Belgium, Venezuela, Argentina, and Turkey has given me a broad knowledge of healthy recipes from around the world. I am an excellent cook who has been practicing my skills for 25 years.
I am in perfect health at age 50. In 2006, I was working midnights and my weight ballooned to 210 lbs. I lost 40 lbs. in 4 mos. and have kept in off. Come and learn how to get your life back. You must find the time within yourself to stop the rat race long enough to think and plan. Cooking requires planning and preparation.
First change your mindset.
Women who cook healthy are empowering themselves and their families.
Women who cook healthy are nurturing themselves and their families.
Women who cook healthy are creating a longer and higher quality of life for themselves and their families.
In order for things to get better you have to get better. Come learn how to eat better.
Recognizing that our sisters need help and support in order to maintain healthier lives, I created a Weight Loss program here in Chicago. Please view the information below.
L.A. Shape Diet Weight Loss Program
Reading Club & Weight Loss Challenge Kickoff!
Join our new L.A. Shape Diet Weight Loss Program. Get valuable tips on how to lose weight and keep it off! You'll also be eligible to win prizes while you take off the pounds!
Join our 12-week class for only $45. You will receive:
- A copy of the book L.A. Shape Diet by Dr. David Heber
- Personal coaching
- FREE body analysis
- Product samples
- Group support and much, much more!
Wed. 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Start Date: Saturday, Nov. 8th.
Location: Books Ink
1835 W. 103rd St.
Chicago, IL
Minimum Enrollment: 10
Additional classes and times will be added as needed.
Deadline for pre-registration is Sat. Nov. 1st.
For information and registration contact us at: betterway2loseweight@yahoo.com or
773-656-5165 or 773-629-6919.
Check our website at
Do you Cook?
What are your excuses for not cooking?