Food Should Taste Good Product Review & Giveaway
Food Should Taste Good Sweet Potato Chips are a staple in my house. I've got my husband hooked on them and I don't mind because they are sooo healthy. Anyway, I was excited to get the opportunity to sample the other varieties of Food Should Taste Good Chips. I was able to try Chocolate, Multi-grain, Sweet Potato, Olive, and Lime. Sweet potato is still my favorite but the Olive chips are absolutely delicious. The Multigrain go great with some hummus or salsa. I was not too thrilled with the chocolate but they are pefect for the chocolate lover. The best part is all of them are so incredibly healthy with ingredients you can pronounce plus they have fiber and protein.. Check out the nutrition facts for the mutli-grain chips.

You know we love doing giveaways, 2 Lucky Winners will get to try five varieties of Food Should Taste Good Chips. To enter the contest you have to email us at nubianfitnessgoddess@gmail.com and comment on this post. Also, check out their website for coupons and other promotions www.foodshouldtastegood.com