Should Black women measure their fitness the same way White women measure fitness?
Is the BMI an accurate measure of Health?
As I get closer and closer to reaching the my weight loss goal, I have to wonder what does it mean to be healthy. Should I measure my fitness by the BMI, should I calculate my ideal body weight, should I measure it by how I look and feel, should I measure it by risk for diseases like diabetes?
First of all, there are several problems with using the BMI as measure.
Kate Harding at created the BMI project. The BMI project is a slide show of women with varied BMI's. Take some time to check it out, you may be surprised by what "overweight", "obese", and "morbidly obese" look like. In Kate's BMI project the pictures are mostly of white women. Imagine if this project was recreated with pictures of women of color. In our culture it has always been acceptable to have a little extra meat, "in the right places."
I wish I could do a BMI project with Black Women (maybe I will in the future). But for now here are some pictures of me and my health status according the BMI.

"Overweight" (click to enlarge image) "Obese"
So again, How do you measure your Health?
I have always questioned the validity of the BMI. About a year ago I was Obese, well at least according to the BMI. I did not think I fit into the category of Obesity but I did believe that my weight was putting me at high risk for certain dieases. I wanted to decrease my risk for diabetes specifically which is common in my family.
After working out for a year and getting down to 162 lbs (I am 5'7), I am still technically overweight, my BMI is 25.37. A healthy range is from 18.5 to 24.99. Right now I feel that I am at pretty healthy. I know I have some toning to do and a few more pounds to lose.
So, at this point I am choosing to ignore the BMI. Clearly it is not perfect because it does not take in account muscle. But I do think it is helpful to use as a starting point. I recommend consulting your physician to determine your risk for disease and health status.
I would also like to mention that a colleague of mine is currently looking at AA women's perception of shape in a formal research project. So I am sure she will have results to share with the public soon.
I'll search online and find some alternative ways to measure your health, I'll let you know I find!
What are thoughts?
What do you think about the BMI?
Do you think the BMI applies to black women?